Wednesday, March 24, 2010

take that mr. parrot

Over the past week Asher has really mastered the art of grabbing the toys on his bouncy chair activity bar to make the lights and sound go. It still takes him a few minutes to get warmed up to it each morning, but once he gets going look out!

He gets so excited that his arms and legs start flapping out of control, which just makes the noise and lights go more frequently. It's a slippery slope, just he loves it!


  1. His smile kills me! He's just too cute! I love how excited he got when the lights first started to fun! I would just stare at him all day I think if I were you and get nothing else done!

  2. So cute! I really need to figure out how to get my videos to upload!

  3. GAH! excited babies are the cutest. he really is SUPER adorable.

  4. What an adorable baby boy! I wish mines was this young again, enjoy.

  5. Aww, super cute!!! I love that bouncy chair too!

  6. SO cute!! Haha, I love the part when he first hits it and his eyes get so big and he flails his arms in excitement. I had to show DH it was so cute. :) Can't wait til B starts to grab things with his little flailing chubbhands.


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