Friday, March 5, 2010

just an ordinary day

Today over at Kelly's Korner everyone is sharing what their typical day looks like. My typical day changed dramatically 2 months and 3 weeks ago when my son Asher was born and I became a stay-at-home mom!

4:00am - Asher starts demanding breakfast from his crib, so I get up to change and nurse him

4:30am - Ash falls back asleep and so do I

7:00am - Up for the day, 2nd breakfast for Asher, breakfast for Mommy

8:30am - Baby boy is exhausted from eating and spending a few minutes in the bouncy seat, so he takes a snooze in my arms {we're working on crib napping...any advice?}

10:00am - Time to eat again for Asher!

11:00-11:30 - Playtime on the activity mat; quick lunch for me while he's distracted

1:00pm - Eating for Asher...again

1:30-4:00 - Afternoon nap for the baby, catching up on email for me {him not napping solo really ties me down}

4:00 - Hungry boy needs to eat

5:00 - Playtime in bouncy chair/activity mat while I start dinner

6:00 - Daddy's home!

6:30 - Bath time

7:00 - Last feeding and soothe to sleep

7:30-8:00 - Asher nods off for the night

8:00 - Dinner for Drew and I

8:30 - My time for a shower and pumping

10:00 - Bedtime!

Thrilling, isn't it?

I love it and can't wait until Asher is bigger and can do more activities with me!


  1. You guys eat dinner at 8pm? Oh my gosh! That's so late! I'm brushing my teeth (if we're home) and getting ready for bed! haha I might eat Ryan if I had to wait that long! :0)

    I so love that polar bear outfit -- it's one of my favorites!!

    Have fun with Jennifer this weekend! I hope she spoils him silly and fills him with some Aunt lovin'!

  2. This is Felix - I totally have baby envy. Usually I don't because newborns are not developed enough until about a year to be cute. But your baby is super super super cute. Especially that smile that borders between cute/goofy/mischievious. I don't know how he does that - maybe it's the eyes and the little hair tuft. The outfits totally complete the look. Save some for us! (in a few years, that is)


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