Tuesday, March 9, 2010

like a record, baby

For someone who can't yet hold his own head upright, Asher often surprises me with what he can accomplish physically.

Every night I gently place Asher in his crib to sleep. As you might remember from a previous post, I have a video baby monitor that I love! The video camera is positioned at one end of the crib, so I strategically place Asher in his crib so the camera can capture his face.

A la, this...

Without fail, every single day, I come in to find Asher like this:

How does he do it??

I watch him over the monitor constantly, but it's like he can tell when I nod off or get diverted elsewhere and that's when he makes his move.

He likes being mysterious.

I haven't caught him in the act yet, but I'm still watching. I'll let you know if I ever figure it out!


  1. Cooper does the same thing! I swear one day I was watching him on our monitor and he was completely on his side and was about to flip over...he never tries these things while mommy is in the room :)

  2. That's funny!!! Aren't they such sly stinkers?? My Mom told me how that would happen when my sisters & i were babies... before swaddling!!! So no swaddling for Asher?? I think we're going to stop swaddling B soon because he gets out anyway. Haha, DH is just way too concerned about rolling over...

  3. haha, cute! yea, the feats that they accomplish are pretty amazing!


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