Tuesday, March 2, 2010

bathtime hairstyles

Asher has such fabulous hair that it's just begging to be styled.

After his bath each night Drew and I take turns wielding the brush and turn Asher into an even more handsome guy.

We have to take turns because we rarely agree on what style Ash can work better.

I tend to go the more traditional route. What a cute little businessman!

While Drew tends to be a little more adventurous. Which, I have to admit, is still pretty darn cute!

Whether heading to a job preschool interview or joining a toddler rock band Asher will be ready!


  1. CUTE! I usually go for the mohawky look... my little sister goes for the combover look. Haha

  2. Aw. how fun! Sophie had lots of hair that we could do that with but Brynn is pretty much bald :( So sad. No fun mohawks for her.

  3. there is nothing cuter than baby mohawks. nothing. :)


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