Wednesday, March 17, 2010

something about buying the cow if the milk's free...

Have you all heard this story?

I came across it last week and my first reaction was, "oh my." Followed quickly by "oh, yuck!"

I'm sure it caught my eye because of my close relationship to this particular experience these days. For those of you who aren't as in tuned to all things baby let me fill you in.

A certain chef in New York City recently launched a new offering on his restaurant's menu:

Breastmilk Cheese

I wish I was kidding.

Apparently when his wife had their daughter 11 weeks ago they decided to use her milk for more than baby feedings and turned some into cheese.

What the what??

Now maybe I'm mistaken, but I thought it took quite a bit of milk to make cheese. How much does this lady have?!

Just when I stopped gagging over the implications of the breastmilk cheese {and gelato aspirations that they have} I heard about this story.

The bizarre hits just keep on coming.

This little news gem is about a woman who was charged with assaulting a police officer by squirting her breastmilk in their face.

Um...that's crazy! Can't we all agree to just keep our milk between us and the babies? No other adults need to be involved!

Brings a whole new meaning to Asher's cute little onesie, doesn't it?


  1. I heard about the cheese but not about the police officer. I agree - milk is for mom & babies. And, how does she have that much milk???

  2. Ick! It's funny that you mention this - last week while walking with my moms group, we were talking about breastmilk fetishists and people who like to drink it. Apparently vegans can have breastmilk (which makes sense but I never wouldve considered it!). Anyhow, one of her vegan friends had thrown a party and served white russians made with breastmilk. I nearly threw up just hearing about that!

  3. People are soooooo strange!!!

    Where did you get that Got Milk onesie? Adorable!

  4. That is just disturbing! gross!
    Love the onesie tho.


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