Monday, March 22, 2010

little asher had a lamb

With some traveling on our horizon I wanted to introduce Asher to a little "friend" he could have of his own. I've heard that having a familiar lovey helps babies and kids transition to sleeping in strange places more easily.

Asher might be too young for this, but I figured there isn't any harm in giving it a try!

He received this little lamb blanket as a gift and it's the perfect size for him.

I don't let him sleep with it, but he does like to cuddle/suck on it while in his bouncy chair or while hanging with a sleepy Daddy.

If you can't really see him around Asher's tight grip, meet Lamb.

Little kids with their lovies are too cute! I love it!


  1. Too cute! Aren't the lovies with the little animal heads so perfect for them to cuddle?

  2. Ahhhh so cute!!! now I want to get one for B!!!!

  3. Too cute! Jack has a frog lovey that I just introduced last week. I might like it more than he does but he does hold it. I've also heard that if you sleep with it for a couple of days and make it smell like you, then it helps them sleep better on their own. Something to keep in mind if you ever need to try it!


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