Sunday, March 21, 2010

does this onesie make me look fat?

Remember when I asked if anyone else experienced a 3 month growth spurt with their babies? I thought that Asher might be having one since he was eating much more often than normal.

Well, all doubt was erased this morning when I tried to dress him.

Drew and I got this onesie over his head and arms, then found this...situation...when we went to snap it up.

Granted, this onesie was a hand-me-down and may have shrunk a little previously, but still.

Check out the tag.

That's 13 to 18 pounds!!

I weighed Asher last week and he was 12.5 pounds.

After this little event Drew and I decided to weigh him again this morning.

Any guesses...

He's now 13.4 pounds.

Asher gained almost a full pound in 1 week.

Holy cow.

No wonder my arms are tired.


  1. Holy cow! That's insane. I've been wondering if Ava is heading into her 3-month growth spurt a little ahead of schedule, but now I'm going to put her in all of her 0-3 months she hasn't yet worn just in case!

  2. That's so funny, 1 lb in 1 week!! Big boy!!! I have also noticed that Gerber onesies, they're sizing is totally wrong.... Bennett is in 6-9 mo right now and they are fitting him perfectly whereas other brands he is still 3 mo. or 3-6. And they're super short!! (Gerber!)

  3. Hey, just came over from BBC! That's quite a growth spurt! Wow! But he is sooo cute!

  4. The Gerber onesies run small in my opinion :) Cooper is already wearing 6 month clothes!

  5. i know the feeling! my little man is growing like a weed! he needs new clothes asap.


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