Tuesday, March 23, 2010

you say jump, i say how high

The same day that you all suggested the Breathable Bumpers for Asher's crib his arm got stuck again.

So Daddy was instantly sent off on a mission to Babies 'R Us to pick up a pack!

I really love them!

I so wish that I had just gotten them to begin with! They block out the room from his view {fewer distractions during nap time}, allow him to breath if his face does press up against them, and keep his arms and legs inside the crib.


Thanks for the suggestion everyone, we love them!

{As an interesting side note -- ever since I installed these bumpers Asher hasn't spun around in his crib at all. Coincidence??}


  1. He looks so big in his crib in this picture! He's growing so quickly! I also love the little lamb -- so cute! How did you decide on that to give him? I'm sure you have lots of little lovies to chose from!

  2. It looks like those bumpers work really well. Once we get B into his crib I'm sure those will be a must!!!


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