Wednesday, January 13, 2010

one month old

Asher is officially one month old today. I still can't believe that on December 13, 2009 the baby I had been carrying and growing for all those months came out to meet us.

Like I mentioned yesterday, this first month has been greatly eased by all the help I've received from my parents, in-laws, siblings and friends. I really don't think I could have done it without them. To everyone who changed a diaper, put Asher to sleep, brought us a meal, or cleaned my house - thank you!

Know that when your babies come along Drew and I will be there to help you as well!

That being said, Ash and I are just starting our first full day of alone time. So far, so good...he's still sleeping.

Over the past month Asher has changed in huge ways!

At 4 weeks old, he is:
  • wearing 0-3 month clothing
  • wearing Size 1 diapers
  • focusing on my face
  • following me {and toys} with his eyes
  • eating every 3 hours during the day
  • eating every 3-4 hours at night
  • nursing like a champ!
  • holding his head up {briefly} and throwing it around
  • rolling himself from shoulder to shoulder -- please don't start moving yet!
  • loves getting a bath {until we take him out}
  • hates to get his diaper changed
In general, Asher is an extremely mellow and peaceful guy. Sure, he cries, but there's usually a good reason. Like...he's resting on your left arm and would really prefer to be on the right arm. Once we {the dumb parents} figure it out he's good to go.

To my sweet boy,
I love you more than I thought I ever could. When you were still inside me I thought that things couldn't get better or more special. Now, to see you look in my direction when I talk -- my heart just melts. Just wait until you get a little bigger Asher...oh, the adventures we'll have with Daddy! For now we'll just snuggle on the couch and enjoy this time while you're so little. I know it won't last long.
You are loved, oh, how you are loved.

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