Monday, June 15, 2009

what a peach

Just in time for summer, my bean is a peach! Delicious!

I can't believe that the bean is 13 weeks now, we're cruising along. This is the last week of the first trimester and big things are happening.

To start with the bean now has his/her own set of fingerprints. That just amazes me. The fingers are too tiny to grasp anything, but already set the baby apart as an individual.

The bean is almost three inches long and weighs nearly an ounce. That's my little shrimp!

This week I'm so grateful to be finishing the first trimester and leaving behind the time with the greatest risk of miscarriage. It seems like this bean is here to stay. Yay!


  1. where do you get the information for this post?

  2. I get the information and 1 picture from and the other picture from


  3. I can't wait to get to the second trimester!

    Are you wearing any maternity clothes yet? Sad to say, but I'm not fitting into any of my pre-pregnancy pants anymore!


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