Friday, June 19, 2009

favorite thing friday

I've noticed that all my pregnancy cravings so far have been for foods that I already liked, but now want to eat lots more of!

One craving I noticed most specifically is a treat that I've had (and enjoyed) in the past, but certainly didn't have very often.

Now I can't get enough.

I'd eat one every day if they were sold in bigger boxes. Or at Costco. As it is, I buy the 4 packs to control myself and only have 1 every other day...or so.

Can you guess what it is??

Let me give a few clues...

This treat is wonderful for summer because it's frozen.

It's a classic at state fairs and carnivals.

And the beach. Especially where the Bluth's live.

Poor George Michael.

This yummy treat is especially good for pregnant girls because the bulk of it is a healthy item...

with a delicious coating to make it decadent.

Did you guess yet?

It's frozen chocolate covered bananas!

My current favorites come from Trader Joe's and are called Gone Bananas. Which I frequently do.

I love them!

1 comment:

  1. make them yourself at home that way you can enjoy them daily!


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