Tuesday, June 9, 2009

12 weeks

Only 1 more week until I'm out of the 1st trimester!

This is actually really hard for me to believe, but I'm looking forward to it! My doctor assures me that the end of the 1st trimester will signal an abrupt (and noticible) end to the nausea and utter exhaustion that I've felt every day so far.

Until then, I'm just trying to enjoy every day of my rapidly dwindling diaper-less existence. :o)

At 12 weeks I'm definitely noticing a tighening of my pant waistbands. It's no coincidence that I'm wearing elastic waist skirts in the past few photos. These are the best!

How far along: 12 weeks
Net weight gain/loss: -1 lbs
Maternity clothes: nope, but I have busted out the Bella band with lots of success
Stretch marks: not yet -- hopefully the Mama Bee belly butter will keep them at bay
Belly button: still an innie
Sleep: good whenever I'm not getting up to use the bathroom. Which is 2-4(!) times every night. Oh my.
Baby movement: only in my imagination
Food cravings: black licorice
Food aversions: most meats
What I miss: cold beer when grilling
Looking forward to: looking pregnant to anyone besides myself
Best moment this week: ordering the baby's furniture
Milestones: the bean can curl his/her fingers and toes


  1. Hi Emily,

    Its Steph from Baby Center!
    Congrats on reaching the Second Trimester!


  2. Sometimes when I hold my shirt tight and exhale completely I look like I have a baby bump, expect I'm not having a baby!!! I'm jealous of your sleek physic, even at 12wks!! :0) I love the weekly pictures! Soon you'll be able to really feel the baby moving...no imagination needed.

  3. Love your blog - followed a link from baby center.
    Love you synopsis! Our due dates are very close - I'll be 13 weeks on Thursday. Look forward to reading about your journey.

  4. Hi! I'm Jen, and I got your link from babycenter. I have two blogs, and if you want to check out my blog for Abebe (our nickname for the baby) the address is www.asurpriserainbow.blogspot.com

    I look forward to reading about your journey!

  5. Hi... I'm also from Baby Center and due Dec. 17. Congratulations!

  6. Also, I "stole" the idea for your last entry and the picture of the lime... hope you don't mind!


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