Wednesday, June 17, 2009

13 weeks

We're in week 13! This is the last week of the first trimester and I'm thrilled!

I've been feeling a lot better this week as far as the exhaustion and nausea go. Hopefully it will just keep getting better. I could use some more energy -- Drew and I have a few rooms to paint!

How far along: 13 weeks
Net weight gain/loss: even
Maternity clothes: no, not yet
Stretch marks: none thank goodness!
Belly button: still an innie
Sleep: still pretty good
Baby movement: nothing definitive yet, but I'm hopeful there soon will be
Food cravings: guacamole
Food aversions: big meals in general (I can only eat small meals these days)
What I miss: goat cheese on my salads
Looking forward to: having an obvious baby bump
Best moment this week: getting paint for the nursery
Milestones: the baby has fingerprints!


  1. You look great! I convinced my hubby to take some belly pictures of me, so I may try to post the first ones tonight!

  2. I miss goat cheese, too! Oh, and subway sandwiches...

  3. I took my first belly shot at 13wks but it doesn't look like much. I need to do my 14 week shot this weekend - I'm a couple days late.
    Congrats on making it to the end of the first tri.


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