Wednesday, October 17, 2012

sticking together

Asher loves himself a fluffernutter.

Please tell me you know fluffernutter.  Otherwise known as a peanut butter + Fluff sandwich.  So good, so good.

Guess, though, what Asher {apparently} loves more than the combo of creamy peanuts and marshmallow.

His Daddy.

Drew asked for a bite and after a bit of disbelief at the request...

Asher passed it over.

His love is loud.

Besides, you know what they say.  The family that fluffs together, sticks together.



  1. So if "fluff" like a jar of creamy marshmallow?? (And am I way out of the loop for not knowing things like this??)

  2. Yes Jocelyn it is...Or just good Ole Marshmallows ;) Love us some fluffernutter here too. My Grandpa used to put just about anything on a peanut butter sandwhich. Cheddar is pretty delicious too! Love the pics :)


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