Tuesday, October 16, 2012

bugaboo {38 weeks}

Another week down - wow!  I said this last week, but I really do keep wondering which of these will be my last weekly post.  With Asher this week was it.  He was born at 39w1d and I never got the 39 week post up.  We'll see what ladybug decides to do!

Just for fun, here's my belly with Asher at 38 weeks...

They are/were both still really high at this point!  I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday, so we'll see if any progress is being made.

With having just moved to this area, I'm constantly meeting new people in the neighborhood and at church.  My very obvious pregnancy is always a first topic of conversation and people are of the unerring opinion that I'm pretty tiny to be due in 2 weeks.  I feel big and know my size is fine, but it's still funny to have folks basically say that my due date must be wrong because of the way I look.  We'll see {but I'm pretty sure the timing is right - ha!}

I've been feeling pretty good - with the exception of sleeping.  It used to be the if I stayed on my left side things would be great, but now no matter how I lay down my arms and hands fall asleep.  I probably woke up 6 times last night because parts of me went numb.  I could do with less of that.

This week the baby is the size of a pumpkin.  Perfect timing for fall!  She's still getting bigger and more ready to greet the world.

How far along: 38 weeks

Net weight gain/loss: 23 pounds

Maternity clothes: yes.  I've also started wearing Drew's t-shirts to sleep in.

Stretch marks: not really - just a couple the popped up around my belly button

Belly button: way out

Sleep: not so great

Baby movement: still lots of kicks

Gender: it's a girl!

Food cravings: crushed ice {is ice a food? either way, I can't get enough}

Food aversions: nothing really

What I miss: laying down without getting really uncomfortable

Looking forward to: enjoying more special time with Asher

Best moment this week: making it another week :-)

Milestones: baby is full term!


  1. I think you look great!! Can't wait for the big name reveal and to "meet" the little miss. Hope you enjoy the next few days/weeks (???) as a family of three!!

  2. You look so precious!!! I am so excited to finally see pics of sweet little "ladybug". Any day now, Mama!

  3. You look fabulous despite feeling huge! You look like you carry ladybug a lot like you carried Asher...Am I right? People always tried to tell me I was having one over the other based on how I carried...but I carried all 3 the same. Still had a "waist from behind" with all 3. I hope you enjoy the rest of whatever time you have left before she decides it's time as a family of 3! So excited for you all!

  4. you lok fantastic, girl!! I can't wait to see pictures of your little lady :) Hope the last few days...weeks...go well for you :)

  5. Hey! I'm probably only a few days ahead of you - I am allllways being told that I'm small and my due date must be off (one even asked if my doctor was ok with how small I am) *rolling eyes* People always have to put in their opinion hey? You look great tho!


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