Friday, October 12, 2012

{phone dump friday}

My iPhone camera has been running hot this week. As you might have noticed on yesterday's post, I made Asher a new shirt just for football season. His little sister has one too!

I've embraced Fall fully and made some pumpkin bars. Drew's mom shared her recipe with me and these are SO good. Seriously, they only lasted a few days - which is why I won't be making more anytime soon.

Also embracing Fall is ladybug {and my feet}. We wore boots for the first time this season when a sudden cold front swept in on Sunday.

My wedding rings have made the great migration from my fingers to a necklace. My hands don't seem that swollen, but I can't stand the too tight feeling, so off they came.

Asher has been extra cuddly this week. He asked to hold hands during breakfast

and insisted on abandoning his sandbox so he could "sleep by mommy" last Saturday {when it was still hot, hot outside}. I love his sweet nature and hope it lasts awhile longer. :-)

I get a little shock every time I catch my reflection in the bathroom mirror as I walk down the hall and finally took a pic the other day. WHO is that lady? Holy belly. ha!

Bugaboo has been both inhibiting...

and helping me on the computer this week.

I asked Asher to give me a funny face and this is what I got in return.

We're working on it.

In the meantime, A is waiting patiently for our family trip to the State Fair this weekend.

Can't wait for some fried goodies! Happy weekend, friends!

{if you have Instagram and want to follow my feed you can find me as 'ecwilk53'}



  1. Great pictures! Love the belly on the computer..I remember that too! Can't wait to meet her! Love the shirt you made for Asher should sell them!

  2. I laughed out loud when I saw you using your belly for the mouse. Such a great idea!!


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