Tuesday, October 23, 2012

bugaboo {39 weeks}

We made it!  One weekly post more than I squeezed in with Asher.  I've been having a lot of contractions over the past few days and feel like we're moving in the right direction towards meeting this little lady.

Drew thought this photo was pretty funny and captioned it "Mama's had enough."

He's kind of right - ha!  Do you like how my belly is poking out from the bottom of my shirt?  Um, yeah that's the norm now.  I'm pretty much out of clothes that will keep me covered.

I love being pregnant, but once I reach this point where I'm more uncomfortable than ever it starts to get tiring.  I'm also getting SO excited to meet, hold, and snuggle this baby.

Love that you can see my popped out belly button here.  It's a turkey timer all the way!  ha!

The nesting has been out of control around here.  I keep wanting to do the weirdest jobs - cleaning out the garage, wiping down the baseboards, and scrubbing all the ceiling fans.  Don't look at my coffee table because I haven't dusted in awhile, but the garage is squeaky clean.  Crazy mama.

This week baby is the size of a watermelon.  Sheesh - that sounds big.  Me and my lady parts are very grateful she's not also shaped like a watermelon.  :-)

How far along: 39 weeks

Net weight gain/loss: 25 pounds

Maternity clothes: yes, but even those aren't up to the task

Stretch marks: lucky yet again

Belly button: way, way out

Sleep: not so great

Baby movement: still pretty busy!

Gender: lady baby

Food cravings: crushed ice {is ice a food? either way, I can't get enough - still}

Food aversions: nothing really, but I'm not super hungry either

What I miss: laying down/walking/sitting/standing without getting really uncomfortable

Looking forward to: meeting this little lady soon!

Best moment this week: prepping my nest

Milestones: baby is one week further full term!


  1. I agree... you DO look great!
    And we can't wait to "meet" your little lady!

  2. Almost there. Are you dilated any? I had my 38w3d check up and I'm 3cm & 50% effaced

  3. Looking great! I can't wait to see the news that she's arrived and find out her name!

  4. You look fabulous even though you don't feel it mama! I love the belly popping out! And the turkey timer! Oh and you are one lucky lady with the stretch marks! You have good skin genes!!! Lucky mommy. Haha.

  5. Momma's had enough...I love it, and I feel ya! Cant wait to hear the news of ladybugs arrival! Like everyone else said, you are totally rockin' that 39 week belly!!!!


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