Tuesday, October 9, 2012

bugaboo {37 weeks}

Every week when I write this post I wonder if it will be my last one.  Asher was born at 39 weeks, so if this little one follows suit then we're looking at T-minus 2 weeks here.  Even if she doesn't it will only be 3 weeks max.


This week I did manage to get the baby's diaper bag packed, but I haven't packed my stuff yet.  Not sure if it's denial or laziness, but I should probably get on that...

Like I said yesterday the nursery is basically done and I am totally in love with it.  If I spent half as much time designing and decorating my own room as I did this nursery Drew and I would have a pretty sweet retreat!  Pretty sure next up will be Asher's big boy room, though.

As far as symptoms go, I've been back and forth between feeling great and feeling miserable - there hasn't been a whole lot of neutral.  Night is still the worst.  I sleep ok, except when I wake up because my hands and/or arms are completely numb.  It used to be that I could avoid that by staying on my left side, but now neither side is safe.

There have been more contractions, swollen hands and feet, pressure {and more pressure}, and general achiness.  Definitely nothing unexpected or oh so terrible, just the end of pregnancy.

And, honestly, I'll miss it.  Well, maybe not the insomnia part, but the baby kicks, the big belly, the amazement that I'm growing a person - those parts I'll miss tremendously when it's over.  This is such a crazy miracle - I don't take it for granted for one second.

My Group B Strep results are negative this time around.  This wasn't going to be a big deal either way since I'm having the baby in a hospital, but it's still nice to have one little thing off the list of concerns.  At my last OB visit the midwife said baby was head down and likely to stay that way - from her lips to God's ears.  I go again for my weekly check-up on Thursday.

Baby is full term!!  This week miss bug is the size of a winter melon and probably weighs around 6 pounds.  She's still practicing her breathing and is putting on weight.  All systems are go, so she can arrive safely at any time.

How far along: 37 weeks

Net weight gain/loss: 22 pounds

Maternity clothes: yes, but even those are getting snug.

Stretch marks: a couple little ones just appeared around my belly button.  My skin is so tight and itchy, I'm surprised there aren't more.

Belly button: turkey timer is popped

Sleep: eh

Baby movement: yep, lots!

Gender: it's a girl!

Food cravings: crushed ice {is ice a food? either way, I can't get enough - still}

Food aversions: nothing really

What I miss: laying down without getting really uncomfortable

Looking forward to: checking the last few things off my to-do list

Best moment this week: finishing up the nursery

Milestones: baby is full term!


  1. Welcome to full-term, little girl! Any day now :)

  2. It's getting close!!! I know what you mean about missing being pregnant though. For as much as I complain, it truly is amazing and I'll miss my big ole belly and feeling baby kick hello every few hours!

  3. Oh bummer...not sure where my comment went. Now I forgot what it said hahaha basically congrats on making it full term, it won't be long now! And I will miss the big belly and kicks even though I complain all the time now ;)


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