Monday, September 3, 2012

home tour {eating and living}

Happy Labor Day everyone!  We're enjoying some extra time with Daddy today!  I think the big plans on our agenda include eating pancakes, visiting Trader Joe's, going to the park, and grilling.

Want to see where we'll spend the majority of our time today? I think we're pretty like most families in that we end up spending a lot of time in the kitchen and living room.  Luckily for us these 2 rooms share 1 space in our house. 

There's a small breakfast nook that helps ease the transition from kitchen to living room.

And just off the breakfast nook is the screened porch that leads to the backyard.  This was a new one for me, but down south it seems like every porch is screened - having one wasn't even an option, it's just how they come.  They grow bugs BIG and plentiful down here!

The living room is such a nice space for us.  Plenty of seats, but not too huge.  I love a cozy living room.  We had a big 2-story great room in Ohio and it always felt a little too cathedral to me.  This suits my tastes a lot better.

We keep some toys for Asher in the cabinets below the TV so he has entertainment when I'm in the kitchen.  Most of his stuff is in his upstairs playroom, but we rotate toys from there to here to keep it interesting.  So far it's been working well for us.

Drew and I bought this rug 5 years ago when we lived in Cleveland.  We both fell in love with it and were so sad when our little Virginia townhouse didn't have a space for it.  The poor thing stayed rolled up in our basement for 2 years!  I'm pretty sure I heard it sigh in relief when we unrolled it here.  :-)

I'm hoping it will get cold enough a few times this winter for us to use the fireplace {although I have to admit, the stone hearth scares me to death with kids, especially once we have a truly wobbly toddler in ladybug - I'll have to find a protection system for the sharp edges.  I've heard that cutting a pool noodle in half lengthwise and wedging it over the stone lip works great!}.

Hope you all are enjoying this Monday holiday as well! 


  1. I LOVE the open layout. When we were house hunting here it was SO hard to find. Ours is open...but not as much as I'd like. Our old house (tiny as it was) was laid out perfectly. I miss it all the time. Love your screened in porch. The finishing touches on your house are gorgeous. Love the built ins next to the fireplace...and great idea on A's toys! OH...and yes the pool noodle will work! My Mom had a big hearth and when my brothers were wobbly toddlers (and eventually Cam) she did the pool noodle and laid a couple pretty quilts over it to pad it a little more and cover up the hideous noodle ;) The fireplace is one of the biggest things I wish we hadn't settled on in this house...but I guess not having to worry about wobbly toddler hitting it works...but I think rambunctious boys will be a worry at any time right? Lol. Thanks for sharing your beautiful home!


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