Wednesday, September 19, 2012

wordless wednesday {comfort}

Sometimes the ocean is scary and you need a comforting snuggle from your mama who is all too willing to oblige. 

A couple people gave me a hard time for picking him up as much as I did, but I know in my heart that some day soon he won't need or want me in the same way.  Until that day comes, when he asks {and I'm able} hugs it is.


  1. I've been told that I hold my kids too much, too...but I'm with you...I'll happily give that for as long as they want/need's one of my favorite parts of being a mommy. :)

  2. Who gave you a hard time? >:( I agree with you... this time is fleeting

  3. Ya whoever gave you a hard time needs not worry. This picture is fabulous and I love that it captures exactly what you said. Take all you can, while you can. Although Cameron who is almost 11 still kisses me goodbye at the school ;) Like you said....I'll take it as long as I get it! :)

  4. *Heart Melted* Love the picture and so glad someone captured the moment for you :)

  5. What an incredible moment captured! So sweet! And yes, you pick him up as much as you want. Trust me, once baby sister gets her it won't be near as easy.


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