Tuesday, September 11, 2012

bugaboo {33 weeks}

I feel behind.  I still haven't gone through my beach week photos, let alone blogged about any of our trip - and it was amazing!  You want to hear about it! {believe me - ha ha}  The truth is, between Asher starting school and me devoting all of my spare time to baby prep there just aren't enough hours in the day.  Hopefully I'll find some time to squeeze it in soon!

In good news, I did get Drew to take my belly photos for week 33!  We are having some gorgeous weather right now - not too hot and feeling like fall might just be approaching - so we took these outside.  :-)

All is well with baby bug.  We had an OB appointment last week and got a great report.  They checked my iron and so far everything looks perfect with that.  I go back in 2 weeks for another check-in.

I have been having some additional uncomfortable symptoms lately.  Namely, swelling in my hands.  I never had this with Asher {big benefit of having a December baby, I think!} but summer finally caught up with my pregnancy and my hands are the big losers.  It's not so bad in the morning, but by evening I can barely wiggle my rings off.  Boo.

I have 2 pieces of exciting {to me} news - first, the nursery dressers arrived.  Yay!  I've been waiting to wash all of the baby blankets, clothes, etc that are going in the dressers until they arrived.  It feels good to get that job started.  The room is a complete mess, but once I get it organized a bit I'll show you all some pictures.  I really love how it's coming together.

{someone claimed to want a photo with me, but then wouldn't look at the camera.  
oh, toddler.}

The other exciting news is that I finished the baby's quilt!  I haven't made any quilts in awhile and forgot how much work they are.  It didn't help that I tried a completely new pattern {which I mostly made up myself...} - but, I l-o-v-e how it turned out.  Well worth the effort.  Pictures of that to come as well.  :-)

This week bugaboo is the size of a...durian?  Really?  Ok.  She's between 4-5 pounds and is growing like a weed!

How far along: 33 weeks

Net weight gain/loss: 18 pounds

Maternity clothes: yes

Stretch marks: no

Belly button: fully popped

Sleep: hit or miss

Baby movement: oh yes - she's very busy.

Gender: it's a GIRL!

Food cravings: crushed ice

Food aversions: pork chops

What I miss: being able to go, go, go without getting completely worn out and sore

Looking forward to: getting the rest of the nursery furniture delivered!

Best moment this week: finishing ladybug's quilt and getting her room arranged

Milestones: baby is now keeping her eyes open when she's awake


  1. You look GREAT, Emily!!!!! :) Sounds like you are making good progress with little bug's room. Can't wait to see it!!! And what kind of embroidery machine do you have again? :) Can't wait to see the quilt too!!! You are one busy momma!

  2. You're baby belly is so sweet!!! Getting closer and closer. I know it's hard to keep up with a toddler towards the end, so rest while you can. Also, that quilt is AH-Mazing!!! I am seriously impressed.


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