Friday, September 7, 2012

{phone dump friday}

This has been a crazy busy week for us. I still haven't gone through all of my photos from our time at the beach last week, so here's the Instagram version of our vacation recap!

We tried to make the 9+ hour ride up there as painless as possible for all of us by keeping Asher busy. What better way to start a long trip than with donuts!


Actually, this is post-donuts which explains the coma look on his face.

Later I pulled out a dollar store surprise - pinwheels! Asher loves pinwheels so these kept him entertained for quite awhile.


After a lot of traffic and a lot of rain slowing us down we were so happy to arrive at the beach house and start our vacation with Drew's family. First order of business {the next morning} was to hit the beach. Asher played in the sand a ton - he's still not a fan of the ocean.


His favorite thing was getting buried by Daddy. Oh my goodness, he requested this over and over!


It rained our second morning there - yuck - but luckily there were cars, books, and fun cousins to keep us entertained.



Asher learned a couple new tricks last week, including how you sleep in the sun...


and how to drink from a water bottle sans straw {it's hiding under his towel}. Check out those lashes - I die.


Since Papa Gene celebrated his birthday the week before we had to have some "happy cake" for him. Asher was so excited! And big cousin A? I'm not sure what he's up to. :-)


On our last day I woke up early with Ash and we took a sunrise walk on the beach - just the 2 of us.



The ride home was long, but without the traffic or rain so we're calling that a win. Plus Asher did a fair bit of this...


Also a win. :-)

There are some real beach week re-caps coming soon - assuming I ever get my photos off the big camera. Until then, happy weekend friends!



  1. how cute is he sleeping in the sun...

  2. Looks like a great time was had - you guys are so lucky to have access to a beach house on a regular basis!!

    Love the pinwheel idea - will be adding that to my stash pronto :)

  3. How fun! We just got back from a super-short trip to the beach, but I'm going to try really hard to blog about it (with pictures!) early this week.


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