Tuesday, January 10, 2012

rainbow rice

A few people asked about what Asher was playing with in my Lightscoop post from last week and I wanted to fill you all in.  It's a sensory bin of rainbow rice!

I saw this idea on Pinterest {where else??} and thought it would be a fun inside activity for Asher.  All kids need sensory stimulation and rice is a great way to get this.  The rice was really easy to make.  I first saw the recipe on this blog post, but here are the details if you don't feel like clicking all over.  :-)

Gather together:

5 pound bag of rice
white vinegar
liquid food coloring {not gel}
ziploc bags or glass jars
baking sheet lined with aluminum foil

{1} Preheat oven to 175 degrees
{2} Place 1.5C of rice in a ziploc bag or jar
{3} Add 1T vinegar and several drops of food coloring to the bag
{4} Zip tight and mix well - add more color, if needed
{5} When well mixed, spread the rice on part of the cookie sheet {I put 3 colors/cookie sheet}
{6} Repeat for all colors
{7} Bake at 175 for 20ish minutes or until the rice is dry
{8} Keep in airtight, shallow container for play

I used ziploc bags because it was just too much hassle for me to wash out a jar after each color.  I didn't go too crazy shaking the bags and had zero concerns about the color and rice flying everywhere.  The bags worked great and went straight into the garbage when I was done. 

We use all kinds of scoops, plastic containers, rakes, and toy animals {for hiding and discovering} in the rice.  I place it on Asher's chairs so it is at a good height for him. 

I also spread a big sheet on the floor beneath the chairs.  Spills are inevitable and the sheet makes clean-up SO much easier!  {we have a lot of spills}

Make some for your toddler, he/she will love it! 


  1. We loved rice bins at school . . . and we even use Colorations liquid watercolor by itself (from Discount School Supply) and you don't have to add anything else besides the rice. SUCH a fun time, looks like someone is enjoying it!

  2. What a great idea - we'll definitely be trying this one out! Thanks for sharing!!!


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