Wednesday, January 4, 2012

a favorite thing

My sister got me the neatest device for Christmas this year called a Lightscoop.  With winter approaching my challenge every year is getting good photos of Asher while it's perma-cloudy out and we're stuck indoors.

Oh, and I hate to use my flash.  Have I mentioned how much I hate to use my flash?!  Really do.

I've heard about the Lightscoop from a few people but hadn't ever used one myself.  I am amazed and thrilled at the results!

Basically it's the nifty little mirror that slips into your DSLR's flash hotshoe and reflects your pop-up flash onto the ceiling.  It minimizes the deer-in-headlights look that almost always results when you flash blast someone.

See for yourself...

with regular pop-up flash

with Lightscoop

I like that it brightens the field without making the harsh glare and shadows.  Here's a shot of Asher playing with his rice bin in our always dark living room {the windows are far away and the ceiling light is a joke}.

no flash

pop-up flash with Lightscoop

I still need to fine tune my flash settings a little to get it optimized, but so far I'm really pleased and impressed.  Love!!


  1. Love your pictures! What a cutie! Just curious, what's he playing with...looks like fun! :)

  2. Im so getting one! I took nothing but flash pictures all Christmas and It kills me! Ughhh!!! Thank you for sharing.

  3. That's awesome! Thanks for sharing! (I added to my amazon wishlist and Pinterst!) I have an external flash that I used a lot with Liam's 1st year photos - which I used by bouncing the light off the ceiling (so the flash wouldn't shoot straight into his little eyes and blind him!). I got awesome results with that, but the downside is that it is a monster to carry around (doubles the weight of the camera). The lightscoop seems like a solution for that! I will have to check it out!

  4. That's awesome that you found the Lightscoop! I have something like this... it's called a Puffer and it also diffuses the pop-up flash and I need to use it more!!!! Thanks for the reminder and so glad you found something you love and helps with flash pics... they are tough for sure!!!

  5. ooooooh I need one of those!! seriously need to figure out how to use my camera better and take better pictures. I usually get frustrated with all the sttings and then end up just shooting in Program or something. Pathetic.
    Do you shoot in manual??

  6. Emily - thanks SO much for sharing! Hmmm, maybe you should add a weekly segment to your blog that shows us newbies your favorite photog tips, tricks and techniques! :-) I seriously H.A.T.E. using my flash as well so this little ditty might just do the trick! Very cool!

  7. p.s. Just found one of these little guys on ebay (Adorama) for $29.95 and FREE, yes free, shipping! Woo-hoo!


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