Sunday, January 15, 2012

our apologies, puppies everywhere

I just had to write a quick post about something funny that Asher is doing before he stops doing it and I completely forget that it ever happened.  That's basically what this blog is all about - in case you were wondering.  :-)

For the first time ever, I got Asher to try a piece of hot dog and...he actually liked it!  Go figure!  I had a feeling he would be a fan, but he is so resistant to new foods that it's been a several month long battle to get that first bite in there.

When I saw that he liked it I immediately started saying "Oh, you like hot dogs.  These are such yummy hot dogs."  I really wanted to emphasize what it was called so when I offer him another one someday I can say 'hot dog' and he'll remember that he liked it and be willing to eat more.

It's basically a full time job out-smarting my two year old.

While I was busy saying how much A was enjoying a delicious hot dog, he picked up on the main word he recognized - dog.  Before I knew it he was signing 'eat' then saying "woof-woof".  Oh.  Oh my.  I tried to clarify that he wasn't actually eating a dog - that's just what the food is called - but I think that concept went way over his head.

We'll work out the details at some point - ha ha!

1 comment:

  1. That's hilarious! They are so innocent and naive-it warms my heart!


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