Friday, January 6, 2012

friday phone dump

Yesterday was just one of those days.  You know the kind I mean.  The days where things just don't go right and you end the day unexpectedly drained. 

It all started bright and early when I took Asher to his first-ever dentist visit {!}...which was a complete bust {although they did have awesome toys, see below - ha!}.  We never even saw the dentist.  We're going to a different dentist today - more on both visits next week - wish us luck! 

Then in the afternoon I got a surprise knock on my door.  Asher was just waking up from his nap, so I ignored the knock, assuming it was a salesperson.  Then my phone started to ring - it was Asher's OT.  Apparently we had an appointment at 3:30!  Wh-what??  For those of you who know me, you know it is VERY unlike me to forget an appointment.  In fact, I had just been thinking about calling her because we didn't have a 2012 appointment on the books yet.  Except, I guess we did.  Oops.  We rallied as quickly as we could and ended up having a good visit, but that threw an unexpected curve ball in my afternoon!

Asher is lovin' his cowboy hat in 2012 - can you tell?

Despite spending all week getting 'reset' at home after Christmas and New Year's, I'm still really looking forward to having the weekend with Drew at home to help me get the last of the holiday stuff put away.  We have some friends coming over on Saturday and have a couple {more} mall returns to make, so it will be a busy weekend for us.

The other day I saw a great app mentioned on Melissa's blog called the Project 365 App.  I am pretty overwhelmed by all of the 365 projects I've seen people taking up - anything you have to do daily is a big commitment! - but this one seemed really do-able.  I take photos on my iPhone everyday anyway, so this might just work out!  Here's how it looks as of yesterday... 

This ended up being more of a brain dump, than a phone dump, but oh well.  My phone camera filled up over the holidays, so here are the randoms...  :-)

I love that the paparazzi follow Asher wherever he goes.  It's like living with a tiny celebrity.

Oh, well, can you blame them with material like this to photograph?  :-)

My mom got a Snuggy for Christmas this year and Asher l-o-v-e-d it.  It was totally magnetic for him - he saw it and couldn't walk away.  ha!

I saved the best for last - how pretty is this photo of my sister and Phin.  Love her!

Happy weekend, friends!  

1 comment:

  1. awesome photos! I've tried a 365 project (a drawing a day) and I stuck with it for one day total. LOL But if they have an app for that, it would be way easier to document and do (with photos anyway)! Now all I need is a smartphone! haha

    Also... are we supposed to be taking our kiddos to the dentist now? I am out of the loop (after the first year and reading "What to expect the first year", I have no idea when our kids are supposed to be able to do what! haha I guess I should have asked my ped at his 2 year check up.

    How did he do?!


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