Monday, January 9, 2012

all the marbles

While visiting my parents in Raleigh, we decided to take Asher to the children's museum there.  It's called Marbles Kid's Museum and was SO fun!

Asher was still one of the younger kids there, but he didn't let that slow him down.  There was tons that he could play with - while still having lots for older kiddos as well.  Ash saw these giant Connect 4 and chess games right inside the door and we had to pry him away from it to go check out the other areas in the museum.  Good way to start!

One of his favorite 'exhibits' was a section they designed to be all imaginative and pretend play.  There were different areas that each simulated a different real-life/kid sized place or job.  Asher quickly made his way around from the vet's office...

to the grocery store...

to the garden.

There was also a fire truck, doctor's office, and school bus - which we played in, but Mommy's camera was starting to smoke, so I had to give it a rest.  ha!

I thought it was hard to get Asher away from the giant Connect 4 and pretend play zone, but clearly didn't realize where we were heading next.  The Water Table.

Baby boy loves him some splashing.

When we finally dragged him out of the {freezing cold} water - Asher went to Mommy's favorite section, the science lab!  Boy after my own heart.  :-)

From there we went to - where else? - the pirate ship!  Ahoy, mateys. 

This was just the first floor.

By the time we got to the second floor every other child on Christmas break in Raleigh had arrived.  It was very busy and I was starting to get claustrophobic.  We spent a couple of minutes in the ball pit, then decided to call it a day.

Next time we're down south this will be another must visit - right after the bouncy play place.  So fun!


  1. Oh my! That place looks like fun!

    We went to our Children's museum on Saturday and had a blast! I'm getting an annual pass and I'm going to start taking him every other Tuesday...He has speech therapy on Mondays and Thursdays every week and PT/OT every other Tuesday so I figure this will give us something really fun to do on our "off" day :)

  2. Oh my, I love his grin in the water pictures! That place looks like a blast. Our Dallas children's museum looks very similar. I'm thinking about buying an annual pass to it.

  3. That looks like an awesome place :) Someone had a bunch of fun and I can tell someone else had fun just watching the joy on his face!

  4. Wow, that place looks fantastic! We have a decent enough children's museum in Austin, but every single time without fail that we go, Ava gets some sort of virus, so David has banned us from going there until she's a bit older :(


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