Monday, June 28, 2010

the yeast of my problems

I went to see my doctor today about the little issue that I mentioned last week.  As it turns out I have one nasty infection caused by some yeast that my nipples, A's mouth, my pumping equipment, and A's bottle nipples have all been sharing.

I know, Asher, I was surprised too.

Asher hasn't shown any symptoms of thrush {the baby version of a mouth yeast infection} so apparently I've taken the brunt of the punishment.

As has become typical for my family, my symptoms are completely strange.  Most people have lots of burning pain with this type of infection and I have none.  Or, according to my OB, I have the pain, but also super hero amounts of pain tolerance.  I like that idea -- Super Mommy!  :o)

The only pain I had was from the cracks that bled everytime suction of any kind was applied.  To hopefully speed along the healing of this problem, my OB sent me to a compounding pharmacy to pick up some "magical" nipple ointment.  Let's pray it works! 

In addition to some antibotics to clear up the yeast from my end of things, Asher needs to go on some as well to clear up anything that he is harboring.  Plus I need to boil all of my pumping equipment and bottle nipples daily until the course of antibiotics are over, then replace the whole shabang when this thing is over.

It's not as bad as it sounds Mr A...don't worry.

Thanks everyone for all of your advice and ideas.  We won't be giving up breastfeeding any time soon!  Yay!


  1. Holy cow!! I think a lot of people would've thrown in the towel, but I give you lots of props for sticking through it. At least you're on the way to recovery. Asher is one lucky baby to have such a tough mama!

  2. You poor thing! You're such a great sport for sticking with it - go Emily!

    Love Asher's faces, BTW!

  3. Major props to you, Momma, for sticking with it!!!!! Wow!!!! Talk about hurdles!!! Super Mommy is right! :)

    You always have the best pics of Asher to go along with your posts! Love it.


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