Monday, June 14, 2010

six months old

Asher, you are 6 months old!

I say this every month and every month I mean it more -- I really can't believe how fast the time has gone by.  How is it possible that my little baby who, a mere 6 months ago, looked like this

is now this big!

It's a little harder to get a still shot these days.  Asher is a very busy guy and often gets distracted by anything and everything around him.  See ya, elephant -- the area behind this pillow needs to be explored.

Asher, you are doing so many things these days.  You love to grab at everything, including my hair and nose.  You also love to put absolutely everything in your mouth.  I think your favorite trick is to suck on your hand for awhile to get it all wet and swampy, then splat it across my face.

For all the obvious reasons, this is my favorite too.

We were visiting Drew's parents this weekend and Grandma Linda made Asher a special 1/2 birthday cake!  He really, really wanted to smear his hand through the frosting.  Just wait until your official first birthday, Ash, then you can have a whole little cake to smash!

At 6 months old, Asher

*weighs 17 pounds, 13 ounces
*wears Size 2 diapers
*wears mostly size 3-6 month clothes
*LOVES to bounce in the Jumparoo
*splashes like crazy in the bathtub
*sleeps 12 hours in a row at night!
*takes 3 naps a day
*eats milk every 3-4 hours
*eats baby food once a day
*has tried bananas and sweet potatoes
*rolls from his front to back with ease
*rolled from his back to front only a couple times
*has one little egg tooth that popped through on the bottom left
*smiles and giggles so easily
*is a very mild tempered guy and hardly ever cries

Asher, you light up our world.  Daddy and I love you so much and can't imagine life without you.  Thanks for being our little guy!


  1. So is he sitting up like a big boy now? And I LOVE the half-birthday cake!! What a cute idea!

  2. So adorable!

    I can't believe they're starting to hit the six-month mark! Halfway to their first birthdays?? I can't believe it!

  3. he is so adorable. i want to writed down what he likes at 6 months too. one more week to go and then he is 6 months. they are going so fast!

  4. Happy 6 months, Asher!! I can't believe I'll be writing this post next week. Time is flying by!

  5. Wow!I cannot believe that it has been 6 months already, the time has flown by!

  6. My sweet girl turned 6 months today also...time goes by so quickly! I will be writing her 6 month post tomorrow after her dr's appt! Our little ones are very similar in what they are doing! By the way, thanks for joining my site!

  7. yay!! Happy 6 months Asher and Mommy! Ours is tomorrow :) Can't believe it's already been a half of a year! Crazy.

  8. Aw! yay! Half birthdays all around! lol. I love that cake! Oh and i laughed out loud at the face grabbing thing with the wet soggy hand1 Ethan does the same thing! Silly boys!


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