Tuesday, June 15, 2010

schedule update

Last week I shared with you all the new schedule that Asher has been on in an attempt to keep him sleeping through the night.  While it worked well, it was also ridiculous.

I mean, seriously, I was trying to feed him every 2-3 hours when he really hasn't needed to eat that often since he was several weeks old.  He ate it, but then, he's an extremely laid back guy and would probably eat anytime I gave him a seat at the table.

When we first started on this schedule he wasn't able to eat 8 ounces at a time.  That was a few weeks ago, so I decided to try it again and see if his belly could handle a little more at a time.  Babies change so quickly -- it was worth a shot!

As it turns out, he did great with more ounces per feeding!

For the past 3 days, we've adapted a new schedule that he really likes.  I know I love it!

These times are all approximate and can vary by 1/2 an hour or so.  I don't want to be a dictator, but Asher seems to love knowing what to expect throughout the day.  Sometimes we get around to a nap a little late and he complains loudly {right, Helen?!}.  That's my motivation to keep as close to the schedule as I can {within reason}.

So, for those of you who are interested, here we go:

7am - wake up
7:15 - nurse until satisfied
8:15 - ice cube sized Bananas
8:45 - nap
10:30 - 8oz
12:30pm - nap
2:30 - 8oz
3:00 - ice cube sized Sweet Potatoes
4:00 - short nap
6:15 - bath
6:30 - 8oz
7pm - bed for the night

I'll let you know how it goes!


  1. I'm not trying to be rude when I ask this (you know I heart y'all and your blog!), but what does Drew think about such an early bedtime for Asher?

    Selfishly, I'm glad Eli has a later (about 8:45) bedtime because it gives us some time to play with him after work. We often don't get home until 5:15 p.m. or later, and it would be sad for me to have less than two hours with him before it was time for bed!

    Regardless, I'm glad Asher is taking well to his new schedule and eating like a champ!

  2. Asher wasn't loud-- seriously, I think he is one of the quietest criers I've heard. Even Olivia was impressed!

    By the way, O still eats every 2-3 hours. It'll probably stay that way until she starts thinking solid foods are a bit more palatable that she seems to think right now. Or until she's more mobile and just too busy to eat! (Like us moms, right??)


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