Friday, June 25, 2010

sitting high and feeling fine

Asher is now using his highchair!

I had been feeding him in the Bumbo chair, but noticed he seemed to have a hard time holding his head up well.  It also looked like he was really folded over which didn't seem conducive to comfortable eating.  I thought the Bumbo was a good support for early sitters, but Asher just never seemed to love it for longer than a couple minutes.

We decided to try out the highchair that's been sitting in our basement for the past 6 months and little A loves it!  He looks like such a big boy sitting up like this!  Small tear from mommy, but mostly big smiles.  :o)

Yesterday I made him some carrots for the first time.  He wasn't sure what to think at first.  They look like sweet potatoes, but certainly don't smell or taste the same.  After the first bite, he just closed his mouth and looked away.  No big fits, but a very definitive, thanks, but no.

To ease the transition I gave him a bite of bananas next.  This boy LOVES bananas.  What's not to love...sweet and delicious.  That worked like a charm.  He took the bite of bananas, then opened up and took the carrots without complaint.  I think that's how we'll do it until he's used to the new flavor.

So far, Mr. A has had sweet potatoes, bananas, carrots, and 1 round of oatmeal.  After the oatmeal he had some blood in his poo, so I decided to skip all grains for awhile.  I'm just not convinced that his digestive system is up to the challenge of grains yet.

Next will be another fruit --- maybe pears? 

Asher has quickly come around to eating baby food.  He's now eating 2 ice-cube sized portions in the morning and 2 in the afternoon.  Besides that he drinks 4, 8.5 oz bottles a day.

Hungry, growing boy!

{By the way, thanks for all of your advice yesterday!  I made an appointment with my OB/Gyn to ask her advice on Monday.  I really don't want to stop breastfeeding yet, so hopefully we'll be able to come up with a game plan to make this work!}


  1. Eli LOVES pears... I would suggest trying that next!

  2. Cooper has the same relationship with his Bumbo...I actually just use his with the tray for therapy purposes now :)

    Looks like Asher is doing great with eating :) Good luck on Monday!

  3. What a cutie pie in that high chair! Applesauce is another idea - super easy to make and easy on the tummy!

    Good luck Monday!

  4. Jack isn't a big fan of carrots either. He eats some, but not with any enthusiasm. And he doesn't eat as much as he does other things. I read that peaches are good for constipation, so I'm going to introduce those soon in case we ever have any issues. I second the applesauce though. I'm really looking forward to introducing pumpkin when it's in season. Yum!

  5. I would highly suggest getting a referral to a lactation nurse. They are way more trained in things like that than regular doctors and can help so much. A lot of time the cracking is due to the way the baby is nursing and a lactation nurse can help you train your baby to nurse properly so that does not happen. The only reason I am still nursing is due to the help of lactation nurses.
    Has anyone talked to you about a possible gluten intolerance? My son had a big problem with gluten. Only recently has his system figured out how to digest the stuff. Gluten is in all breads and many grains (including oatmeal). It's just a thought, but gluten intolerance in an infant can cause bloody stools in the same way that a milk protein intolerance can. Also, gluten basically injures the intestines for someone who is intolerant. Taking a break (as when you gave your little guy formula) would allow the intestines to heal, but they could eventually go back to having the same problems again. I would suggest if Asher continues to have those problems that you try cutting gluten out of your diet and see what happens. You may also want to talk to the dr. about it. They could test for a wheat allergy, but a person can be intolerant to gluten without a wheat allergy. I cut gluten out of my diet for months and saw a big difference in my son. (I tried milk first, but the problems always came back).
    Also, where did you get the name Asher? My friend has a son named Asher, and it is so uncommon/unique, so I was just curious.


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