Tuesday, June 15, 2010

a bug's life

Thanks everyone for the feedback on Asher's sleep schedule and eating issues.  I hope no one feels like I was suggesting this arrangement for anyone else -- this is just what works for us right now!  If I've learned one thing since becoming a mom, it's that babies are consistent just long enough for us to feel comfortable, then they change it up to keep us guessing!  I love hearing what works for other moms/babies so please leave me comments or post your own story!

On to the next adventure in the life of Asher....

He's a bug!

I mentioned a few weeks ago that Drew bought me a summer Mommy/Baby class at the Little Gym.  Well, it started today!  The class is for 4-10 month babies and is called "Bugs" {thus all the silly bug references}

Normally I hate bugs.  Creepy, crawly, sneaky, yuck.  But these little bugs are too cute!  Even you would like these bugs, Erin {if you know my sister, you'll know that's really saying something}. 

In the spirit of things Asher dressed up in his bug outfit for class.

How can you not love this kind of bug?

Unfortunately, Asher wasn't feelin' the love.  We got to class and really enjoyed the first 10-15 minutes.  Then we did some tummy time and things went downhill fast.  Mr. A decided to fuss and cry for the remaining half hour.  This from a guy who never fusses.  Seriously, he is normally the most laid back, happy baby!

Great first impression for all of his new baby friends. 

Oh well, we're going every week through the whole summer, so I'm sure he'll come around sooner or later. 

One thing that really amazed me was the wide range of abilities that the babies had.  Naturally the older babies could do more, but I was surprised at how a small age difference can mean a huge difference in motor skills.  There were babies just a few weeks older than Asher who were already crawling!  Whoa, I'm not ready for that.

Hopefully my little love bug will enjoy class more and make some new baby friends -- so I can make some mommy friends!  I also really hope that this will encourage him with tummy time and pushing up with his arms {something he loathes right now}.

Does anyone have any tips on how you get your little ones to play on their tummies and practice pushing up?

Once we got home we were both pretty bushed.  Asher celebrated his arrival home by having a giant diaper explosion.  Around this time I thought about implementing the "it's 5o'clock somewhere" philosophy of life, but managed to hold on to my sanity and instead cleaned A up and dressed him a HULK t-shirt.

How awesome is the Hulk?  Especially on a baby.


Take that, Sophie.

1 comment:

  1. Cute pics! I almost got that same bug outfit for Jack, but I resisted the urge! I think you already have the right idea about tummy time based on the pics of him on the boppy. I would continue with that while still doing regular tummy time a little bit each day. I wish I had more to offer. One day Jack decided he didn't mind being on his tummy and that was that. We didn't do anything different.

    Thanks for posting Asher's schedule. At first glance, it seems like he is eating a lot, but when you add up the total number of ounces per day, it's what it should be. I've toyed with the idea of giving Jack more ounces less often. Right now he eats every 3 hours at daycare (10, 1, and 4) and gets 5 - 5 1/2 ounces in each bottle. He also still wakes up at 4 or 5 to eat, although last night he slept through until 7! I also nurse him at 7am and 7pm and he's asleep by 7:30. On weekends I exclusively nurse so I have no idea how much he is getting, but he's able to go 4 hours in between meals. He must be eating more than he does at daycare. And as they start eating more solids it'll probably change once again. Who knows?! If they're happy and healthy, then I guess we're doing something right! :)

    Oh, and I e-mailed you a copy of that picture. Thanks for offering to help!


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