Monday, June 7, 2010

baby food!

After Asher spent a day in this shirt

he decided it was time to go full monkey and eat some banana!

I was originally planning to hold off on any solid foods for him until we visited with the Pediatric GI in a few weeks, but Saturday afternoon Drew and I both noticed how hungry Asher seemed.  In addition to his apparent hunger, he was also chewing, sucking, and exploring everything he touched with his tongue.  He did so well avoiding the tongue-thrust reflex, that I thought he might be ready for something more solid than milk.  I'm only feeding him after he's had a bottle, so he still gets all the calories he needs from breast milk/formula.

I am planning to make most of Asher's baby food myself and placed an order for a food steamer than was recommended to me {thanks, B!} but it hasn't come in yet, so I decided to start with something that requires no cooking.  Hello, banana!

Most people start their kiddos off with rice cereal, but I had read that sometimes babies with milk protein intolerance {like Asher has} have a harder time digesting cereal.  Because of this I knew that we'd start with either a fruit or veggie.  I've also heard that you should avoid fruit first because the sweet taste spoils them from eating veggies, but that won't be the case for me since Asher has been getting breastmilk since birth.  He has been tasting bananas {and veggies} for months now!

I must say that banana was an extremely easy food to prep!  I cut a 2 inch chunk of fruit and smooshed it up with a fork.  It still seemed a little chunky to me, so I poured in some breastmilk to help thin it out a little more.

Asher loved it!

Honestly, he ate like he's been eating off a spoon for weeks.

The first few bites were predictably messy with nanners dribbling back out, then being pushed back in with his little hands.  Once he got the hang of sucking the bananas off the spoon, then swallowing it he gobble the whole bowlful down.

I have a feeling we have a champion eater on our hands!

It went so well that we decided to repeat the event on Sunday.  Success again!  This time Asher tried to grab the bowl and eat straight from the source, but I cut him off at the pass.  I think he likes bananas!

We're going to stick with bananas for the recommended 4 days to make sure he doesn't have any kind of allergic reaction.  Once my steamer gets here later this week we're going to try some sweet potatoes!

My little guy is growing up so fast.  It's wonderful!


  1. Yay Asher! It looks like those bananas were yummy :)

  2. We will start veggies/fruits this week. I'm glad Asher liked the bananas so much!

  3. I'm so glad he liked it and did so well. I'm looking forward to introducing bananas in a few weeks because it is so easy to do, and that will probably be what Jack eats for breakfast on most days. They are definitely growing up fast!

    I love love love Ashers hair!!

  4. :) You are SO wise to hold off on the cereal for a little one had multiple allergies and I didn't know about the cereal thing with babies with allergies...and her poor little tummy hurt so much...kudos to you! :) :) Good luck as you start baby's a fun process! :)


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