Friday, June 18, 2010

2 doctors, 1 week

Asher is finally done with all of his doctor appointments for the week!

This has been an especially busy week for us, especially in the doctor department.

On Wednesday Mr A had his 6 month check-up and flew through with flying colors!  The doctor was very impressed by his growth, considering all of the food trouble we had over the past few months.

The new stats:

weight - 17 pounds (50%)
length - 26.5 inches (50%)

Our baby is perfectly average.  I'm going to put emphasis on the perfectly part of that.  :o)

Asher's pediatrician said that he should keep getting new foods every 3-4 days, but to go through all of the yellow/orange fruits and veggies first.  Apparently these are a little easier to digest and since Ash has some digestive issues that would be best for him.  We're going to skip rice cereal completely for that reason, but she did recommend that he try some oatmeal. 

So, what should be next??  I'm leaning towards the oatmeal, then maybe some butternut squash.  We'll save green beans and peas for a little later.

He needed 2 shots {boo} but handled them really well.  There was some crying, of course, but he was a pretty good trooper overall.  He needs some credit for his battle wounds. 

All in all he's a super healthy baby -- yay!

Then this morning Asher had his long awaited appointment with the pediatric gastroenterologist.  We made this appointment way back in May when his bloody stools were happening every day.  Since I changed my diet the blood has stopped entirely and Ash is back on straight breastmilk. 

The GI looked him over and said that it sounds like we're on the right track.  As long as the blood has stopped then we're good to go.  There's no reason to think there will be any long term effects from this bout with ulcerative colitis.

Around 9 months we're going to try slowly introducing milk back in my diet to see what happens.  The GI felt confident that Asher will outgrow this allergy, perhaps by 12 months, maybe longer.  There's always a chance that he won't outgrow it, but for now we're being optimistic.

Personally, I'm really looking forward having a little dairy again someday soon.  What should I have? cream, cheese, buttery garlic bread?  Oh my, the possibilities!  My system is probably going to rebel big time.  Better take it slow.

Happy Friday everyone!


  1. As you've probably seen, Eli loved butternut squash but hated green beans. We'll finish up butternut squash tonight and then he'll either try carrots or pears. I need to make some more food this weekend. I'm thinking potatoes, peas and whatever organic fruit I can find in season.

    And that top picture of Asher is SO cute! He looks so huggable!

  2. Yay for updated stats!!! Bennett has his 6 month appointment today and I am anxious to see what he comes in as. :)

    How about you have all of the above and then some??? Yum!!!

  3. I'm so glad he is doing so well. That's wonderful news! And you rock for making the necessary changes in order to continue breastfeeding. :)

    As for food for Ash...what about carrots?

    Oh, and thank you so much for that blog link. It really helped and I made my first purchase! I can't wait to get it and try it out.

  4. I, too, cannot wait until the day we can have dairy again. I seriously am going to gain five pounds that first week, since I have a HUGE list of things I've been wanting on a regular basis, and they're all terrible for me.

    Pizza? I think so! Ice cream sundaes and a milkshake? Why not! It's going to be AMAZING!


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