Friday, June 4, 2010

future alum

When Drew and I were still living in Cleveland I worked in a Biomedical Research lab at Case Western Reserve University.

That lab rocks.  Mostly for these reasons.

I worked exclusively with men and was told more than once {by a certain guy who's heavy foreign accent made the phrase that much more endearing} that "Emily is the prettiest, nicest girl here."

I honestly don't think it occurred to him that I was the only girl in the place, so I took it as a compliment.  I also refused to be annoyed that he referred to me as a "girl".  Hey, once you get past a certain age {and are pregnant to boot} any attributed youth is a bonus.

That was only one of my co-workers, but the rest of them were equally kind {and hilarious...remember this?}.  About a week before Asher was born we had a lab Christmas party at my boss' house.  Part of the celebration was a send off for me, including some baby gifts!

Asher is finally big enough to fit in the Case Western t-shirt that the guys gave him, so he modeled it the other day!

In case you're wondering, one of the other gifts was my Baby 411 book.  I literally use this at least 3x each week and read through it much more often when Asher was a newborn.

Best. Gift. Ever.

Thanks for the shirt Jay, Dave, and Ragnath!

We miss you!

{By the way, Asher is totally going to Bucknell, not Case Western.  Sorry guys.  Or, on second thought, seeing how college prices are climbing to astronomical heights, perhaps a terrific state university.  :o)  }

1 comment:

  1. What a cute little prepster - loving the shorts!!

    I can't believe how big he's looking (grown-up wise)! How are our babies approaching six months already?!?!


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