Tuesday, April 20, 2010

one year ago today

My life changed forever in the best possible way.

On a cool and rainy late April day I came home from work with a suspicion that had to be confirmed or denied immediately.

A scant 2 minutes later I was looking at this:

Then in a rush of euphoria, I ran over to Walgreens and a scant 25 minutes and 2 liters of water later I was looking at this:

What a joyful day!  Even though Drew and I had been hoping to get pregnant it had been about 7 months since we started trying and I'd sort of come to expect that the test would be negative.  The quick positive was so exciting!

I had told Drew earlier in the day that I might try to test that evening, but I didn't call him right away.  Once he got home from work I waited for him to ask about it.  He didn't. 

I guess he figured I'd say something if it was good news!  Well, I told him to go check for something in the bathroom and he froze while going through the mail and just said, "Are you serious?"  He couldn't believe it either!  We were both so excited we called our families that same night and shared the wonderful news!

18 weeks later I saw my baby boy for the first time.  Even in 2D black and white he was beautiful.

Then he arrived in person and I couldn't believe my eyes.  It's true what they say, you really do fall in love instantly.  When they wisked him away to get oxygen after he was born I actually tried to get out of bed to follow him.  My doctor told me to lay still because you simply can't just hop up after pushing for 3 hours and walk across the room.  I conceded, but didn't take my eyes off of him. 

Would you?

Now he's a vibrant boy who loves to laugh, smile, and play.  What a difference a year makes.  This time last year I knew someone was coming to change my life.  Now I have my Asher.  And I wouldn't change a thing.


  1. Great story! I remember getting the call...so exciting!

  2. Didn't it seem to just fly by!? He is so adorable! He has the sweetest grin! And congrats on the move!

  3. Beautiful post. Reading it brought tears to my eyes. I know the joy you feel and it is the best thing in the whole world. I love it!

  4. What a sweet day that must have been! He is such a beautiful baby!


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