Friday, April 9, 2010

four month check-up

Yesterday Asher went to the Pediatrician for his 4 month well baby visit.

He was a total rock star.

Ash now weighs 14.5 pounds (50th percentile) and is 24" inches long (25th percentile).

I knew his legs were extra chubby.  I love them!

He charmed everyone in the office, in the elevator, and in the lobby.  This boy is a chick magnet.  Too bad I'm not in the market for a girlfriend.  It would almost be too easy.

The doctor specifically said how tolerant he was of the exam.  That's my chill guy!

Then came the shots.  The poor baby was so betrayed by that smiling nurse.  She poked him and he cried for a few minutes, but rallied pretty quickly.  Sweet Asher passed out from the excitement of it all and slept the whole way home.

Last night he had a hard time and ended up waking up A LOT.  He usually sleeps for 8-9 hours after he falls asleep at 7, but last night he was up screaming at 8:00.  I tried feeding him, but he kept refusing, so finally I just rocked him and sang to him until he fell asleep.  While I hated seeing him so uncomfortable, it did make me feel good to be the one person who could soothe him.  He didn't want food or a pacifier...he just needed his mommy for some hugs and love.

Any time friend, any time.

{By the way, there are some really exciting things going on for us right now!  They are still a bit of a secret and mean that I need to take a blogging break.  I promise to be back as soon as possible and fill you all in on what's happening!}  


  1. Ooh, I can't wait to hear your secret. And good job, Asher!!

  2. He does look like a little ladies man! I can't wait to hear the exciting news. Good luck with everything!

  3. Those are great stats for his checkup! I'm thinking my child will be off the charts, we think he weighs about 19 lbs at 4months but go on Monday for his appt and shots! I know you loved giving him some extra cuddle time!

  4. Ooh a secret - I'm excited to hear it!

  5. Can't wait to hear the secret! :)
    Glad to hear the checkup went well. I hate the shots part, but love hearing about how they're doing!


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