Thursday, April 15, 2010

secret revealed

I hate keeping secrets {although keeping Asher's name in the dark was pretty fun} so I want to tell you all the exciting things that have been going on for us!

As it turns out...

we are moving!

{Asher's pretty excited about it}

That's right -- Drew, Asher, and I are making a big move from Cleveland to Washington, DC in just 2 weeks.

A few weeks ago Drew got an offer for a new job outside DC.  We love our home and friends in Cleveland, but a move to DC would put us significantly closer to both Drew's family and mine, so we had to go for it.  Ever since we made the final decision things have been a complete whirlwind.

Last Saturday Asher and I said goodbye to Cleveland for the last time and started on a l-o-n-g trip around and about.  We made our first stop at Aunt Erin and Uncle Ryan's house in Harrisburg!

They were nice enough to let us stay with them {even though Asher isn't the best house guest just yet}.  This was Uncle Ryan's first time holding a baby -- he did awesome.

Asher met his "cousin" Phinley -- who was just dying to lick him all over.  It's so funny how he snuggles in Erin's arms just like he's her baby!

Days 3 and beyond of our adventure to come...


  1. I live just outside of D.C. in Maryland!! I belong to a great network of new moms. We get together regularly for playdates and fun outings. Let me know if you'd like more info on it and I can e-mail you. Also I can give you some great places to take Asher depending on where you'll be and how far you want to drive. I'm very happy for you and your family. Enjoy this new adventure!

  2. Am I really that much taller than you? I look like a giant!

    And great news! So glad you'll be closer!

  3. Congrats on Drew's new job and y'alls big move!

  4. How exciting for you all!

    I'm so jealous you and Rene will be near one another - what a great connection!

  5. HA! I thought you were going to say you were pregnant again ;)

    DC is a great city! I'm excited for your family! Good luck with the move...

  6. I thought you were going to say you were pregnant again too!!!

    How exciting for your family... enjoy the move!

  7. good luck with the move

  8. Congrats! Moving is hard work...especially with kids...but worth it! I can't imagine living far away from family.


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