When we found out I was pregnant with baby #2 Drew and I decided that {at some point} we'd need a bigger car. Our SUV could certainly handle 2 children, but it would be so much easier to haul all of their stuff and get them in and out of a...minivan.
There, I said it.
A minivan.
I was the harder sell on this one. Owning a minivan seems like a major turning point in a person's life - one that I wasn't necessarily ready for. I'm making it seem very dramatic - but seriously, my mom had a minivan! I'm too young to drive a van!
Except that I'm not.
Everyone I know who has kids can't say enough great things about their "family vehicle" so Drew and I went for some test drives. The whole set up made so much sense I couldn't deny the appeal. The doors slide, rather than swing - the seats move in 100 different configurations - the seats come in and out with ease - the back seats fold into the floor for long trip luggage/stroller/baby stuff hauling...it goes on and on.
So {we bought one}.
Meet mini. :-)
She's my push present and I couldn't be more tickled. The only hitch is that now I'm really committed to delivering this baby to hold up my end of the bargain. darn.
After driving her around for the past few weeks I have to say, this is the nicest car I've ever owned. It's making me tremendously lazy since virtually every feature is automatic!
I thought Asher might be confused at first - he was always a big helper in parking lots pointing out "Mommy's car", but with mini it was love at first sight.
He can climb into his car seat all by himself and requests that we drive places. ha ha!
Obviously, we haven't truly put mini through her paces yet since ladybug isn't here, but I'm confident she's up for the task.
Welcome, mini. We're so, so happy to have you. :-)
Australia PART 3: Blue Mountains, Kangaroos & Koalas
18 hours ago