Monday, June 4, 2012

bugaboo {18 weeks)

We need to catch up!  Well, the move is done.  All of our stuff came on Friday and we've spent nearly every minute since then unpacking and trying to find everything we remember having.  I always forget what a big job moving is!  Anyway, we're well on our way to being settled now.  There's a lot of beautifying to do - and there are a couple rooms I haven't touched yet - but things feel less crazy and more manageable now.

On Friday I had my first OB appointment in our new hometown.  This practice is different than the others I've been gone to because they have several midwives on staff in addition to the OBs.  I actually met with a midwife for my first visit and really liked her.  I think this will be a great thing for me! 

Ready for some exciting news?  My growth ultrasound is tomorrow!  Woohoo!  When I went on Friday they changed my due date to October 30th, so I'm closer to 19 weeks than 18 in their books and they wanted me to get it right away.  Fine by me!  We will be finding out the gender {if baby bug cooperates} and I'll share it tomorrow! 

Let's hear your guesses - will our bundle of joy be a boy or 
will the bug transform into a ladybug?

Until then...the bugaboo is a sweet potato!  I've been feeling so much movement these days.  I have been able to feel 1 or 2 kicks from the outside, but usually if I put your hand on my belly he/she gets really still, so no one else has had the joy of feeling movement yet.

How far along: 18 weeks

Net weight gain/loss:  up 6 pounds - whoa, things really shot up this week

Maternity clothes:  I'm wearing a maternity shirt today for kicks, but usually I can still fit into whatever

Stretch marks: nope

Belly button: still an innie

Sleep:  not so hot recently - lots of insomnia around 4am

Baby movement:  YES!  Love it  :-)

Gender: stay tuned for the big reveal tomorrow...

Food cravings: gummy candy {that might explain the sudden weight gain}

Food aversions:  nothing specific - this baby is easy

What I miss:  being able to go and go while unpacking - I get tired so easily 

Looking forward to:  the ultrasound tomorrow!

Best moment this week:  getting settled into our new house - baby bug and Asher will {hopefully} grow up here

Milestones:  baby is kicking up a storm


  1. I'm going with another boy! I can't wait to read your update tomorrow!

  2. Yay for an update and wow, I can't believe you're already at the gender milestone!!! I'm excited to hear... I'm gonna say it's a little brother for Asher!!! How exciting!!! Can't wait to hear :)

  3. I keep thinking girl for you this time, but I don't have a great track record of predicting!

  4. I'm guessing BOY! It seems like the boy gene is VERY prominent in the Wilkinson family! I don't recall reading about too many little girl babies from that side of the family on your blog. ;-)

  5. p.s. you look so cute with your little bump!

  6. I am guessing Asher will get a little brother! Either way though that super healthy sweet baby bug will be perfect! :) I absolutely LOVE your shirt in your pictures! Love the polka dots!


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