Tuesday, June 12, 2012

bugaboo {20 weeks}

My new doc changed my due date, so now I have to play catch on our weekly baby posts!  Ladybug is 20 weeks today.  My belly has officially popped - it's out and doesn't go anywhere at different times of day.  It's definitely true when they say you show earlier the second time around.  I was nowhere this big at 20 weeks with Asher!

{sorry for the phone pic - it's been busy around here...still}

20 weeks along with Asher

Baby is the size of a banana this week! 

How far along: 20 weeks

Net weight gain/loss:  up 6.6 pounds

Maternity clothes:  still in that annoying in between size where regular pants are uncomfortable, but maternity ones don't totally stay up.  boo.

Stretch marks: none yet

Belly button: moving quickly towards an outie this time around

Sleep:  can't sleep on my back anymore which is hard since I like that a lot - getting used to side sleeping only

Baby movement:  YES!  Love it  :-)

Gender: it's a GIRL!  {still can't believe I'm saying that - ha!}

Food cravings: Italian ice or anything cold and crunchy

Food aversions:  nothing specific - this baby is easy

What I miss:  going longer than 1 hour between bathroom visits 

Looking forward to:  starting to plan little lady's nursery

Best moment this week:  finding out that our bug is a healthy ladybug

Milestones:  baby has working taste buds - better start getting more veggies in that amniotic fluid for her to get accustomed to!

1 comment:

  1. Love these updates! And I don't think you look much bigger than with Asher!!! Girl, you look good! :)


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