Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Although our community has a pool, Drew and I thought it would be fun for Asher to have a sprinkler to play in.  It gets HOT here so any way to cool off is welcome!

It took Asher a minute to understand the point of the spraying water.

Being the good Daddy that he is, Drew happily gave A a lesson in sprinkler jumping.

ha ha - go Drew!  Asher thought that maneuver was pretty hilarious {I did too}.

After that show A got braver and stepped up to the sprinkler himself a few times.  Then things got really fun because we showed him the squirt gun we bought.

Look out - he's armed.

Drew came to the rescue again and showed him how to use it.  Luckily for us he now understands how to load and unload the water, but isn't quite strong enough to really shoot it far.

I can see us using the sprinkler a lot this summer - it makes a certain someone very happy!


  1. I love Drew's form/stance in the jumping photo! Haha!

    And we have the same purple water cannon from Target! :-)

  2. Oh I bet A-man is in heaven!

    And please tell me a life size black and white of Drew jumping will be going in the new house! perfect shot momma!

  3. Yes, welcome to the heat! It's awful!!! Love Drew's sprinkler demo, lol! Also, I love your playroom! I'm desperately trying to catch up on blogs...

  4. Cute pictures! Love Asher's expressions. The joys of summer!


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