Friday, June 22, 2012

{phone dump friday}

I missed last week, so we have some phone dump catching up to do!

I've been in full-on decorating and organizing mode around here. On one hand it's super fun, but on the other hand - oh my - the decisions are tough! My favorite room to do so far has been Asher's playroom. It's so close to being ready to show you all, but for now, here's a sneak peak...


Last Friday we went out for dinner as a family. Asher is really fun to go out with now. He's a lot more likely to eat something off the menu, so I don't have to bring a ton of food with me and he loves to people watch. Mostly that involves staring at innocent bystanders, then hollering "hi!" at them until they respond. :-)

He also adores his daddy.

After dinner we hit a local frozen yogurt shop for a treat. Drew and I were both really full from dinner so we just ordered a kid's dish for Asher. Um, I think I figured out the obesity epidemic in America. This is for kids?? Ha ha - Ash thought he hit the jackpot!

It a bit of convincing to pry Asher away from this mountain of frozen deliciousness, but a promise to stop by the train on the way back to our car did it. He climbed up onto the caboose with Drew and thought he was pretty cool stuff.



While the boys were exploring the chugger, ladybug and I had a photo shoot. Guess who found her shadow!


It's no wonder - check out the bump. Getting bigger!


Nothing says summer like special lunch trips to Chick-Fil-A...


and new summer shoes!


Last, but definitely not least, I got my birthday gift this week. My bday was last month, but I postponed getting my big gift until we were settled in the new house. It's an....embroidery machine!! I'm SO excited! After researching online and reading the manual a ton I finally figured out how it get it running.

Ready to start my first run...


Can't wait to practice more and start actually making things for Asher and little Miss!


  1. that bump is SO cute! And I cannot wait to see what you make with your new machine! You are so creative!

  2. I want one!!;)) ahhh! Hey I have some of Sawyer's NB clothes and onesies for sale on FB consignment and decided Ill sell them all together if you are interested! I have onesies, gowns, and outfits. $40 for all. Just thought I'd let you know b4 I sell them:-))

  3. I can't wait to see the finished playroom!! I know it's going to be amazing! Love that shadow pic. The baby bump looks good on you. :)


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