Wednesday, April 25, 2012

he has a smart brain

My parents like to tease me because as a little girl I would tell people that I had a "smart brain". I happen to think that's an awesome thing for a little one to brag about. :-)

Turns out the apple doesn't fall far from the tree because Asher has a smart brain too. Seriously people, this boy has been amazing me lately with the stuff he's saying and the ideas he puts together. Most of the time he'll repeat a concept I taught him, but once in awhile {and recently even more often!} he'll come out with a completely original thought.

When we were visiting my parents in NC last week we'd drive past a lot of farms and Asher always wanted to see and point out the neigh-neighs {horses} that would graze in fields beside the road. Just yesterday we were driving through Fairfax and he started saying "neigh-neigh, neigh-neigh". I tried explaining that we were in the city and there weren't any horses around, but he wasn't having any of it.

Once we stopped at a red light I looked at him and saw that he was gesturing out the window. I followed his pointing and saw this...

"mommy, rock neigh-neigh!"

I was shocked. The apartment complex had this horse head sculpture out in front of their building. Asher not only saw it from within our car, but also recognized that it was a horse made from rock.

See, I told you - smart brain. :-)


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