Monday, April 16, 2012

bugaboo {11 weeks}

Asher and I are in Raleigh visiting my parents this weekend, so I had to make due with a reflection phone pic for 11 weeks. Must be pregnancy brain already - I forgot my good camera at home - bah.

At 11 weeks I'm still feeling the first trimester symptoms full steam ahead. I've actually been a lot less sick, but still SO exhausted. I'm really hoping this passes soon and I get some energy back. This is how it was with Asher, so I'm sure {well, hopeful} once 13 or so weeks roll around I should be feeling a lot better.

Must have something to do with growing a lime. It's pretty exhausting work.

There has been a lot going on around here - it feels like we're running nonstop - so the blog has been taking a shameful backseat. I'm hoping to catch up on all of our goings-on {and yours!} soon.

How far along: 11 weeks

Net weight gain/loss: down 5 pounds

Maternity clothes: not yet - although I did unbutton my pants after dinner yesterday :-)

Stretch marks: no

Belly button: still innie

Sleep: up 1-2 times each night to use the bathroom

Baby movement: not just yet

Gender: no clue - anxious to find out in a few weeks!

Food cravings: I had the BEST garlic knots at a pizza place on Friday. Still thinking about them, yum...

Food aversions: coffee, yuck.

What I miss: having a nice cold beer with those awesome garlic knots

Looking forward to: seeing Drew's family at Ali's bridal shower this Saturday!

Best moment this week: sharing our news about the bug with more friends

Milestones: fingers and toes are no longer webbed - go bug.



  1. Look at your cute little belly!!! :) I wouldn't worry too much about updating the blog. I find that it is super hard to update as it is even now with a toddler! Hope you start to feel better soon with the next trimester!

  2. Aww, you're so adorable! And a very fit looking pregnant woman, if you ask me :)

  3. how adorable are you!? ah, so cute!

    (and, down 5 lbs?? lucky you! sure hope you feel better soon though!)


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