Asher's personality has really been blossoming lately. He is communicating more and doing some hilarious stuff! There are so many times when his whining drives me to think about taking out a "free to a good home" ad for him that I need to document the adorable parts too - ha!
Mr A still doesn't say too many words, but one that he's great at is "good night." Well, he says "nigh" {no t} and he says it when he means good night, but also when he means good bye. So when Drew leaves for work in the morning Asher sends him off with a big wave and a "nigh nigh, Dada, nigh!"
As if that wasn't cute enough, it gets better. Asher has started saying 'nigh' to everyone and every thing. That's right - things. Yesterday we were taking a walk and saw a fire hydrant. This was super interesting, so Asher gave it a good inspection from top to bottom. We talked about what a fire hydrant is and how there is water inside that the fire fighters can use.
When it was time to move on Asher took my hand, then waved to the hydrant and said 'nigh! nigh!'
Bless his little heart - so sweet!
The other funny thing he's done recently happened on Sunday. Asher was playing in the living room and started messing with the remote controls. He knows very well that he isn't supposed to touch those {I tell him all. the. time.} and so I reminded him yet again and added in, "Asher, if you don't obey Mommy you will need a time out."
Guess he thought the punishment fit the crime because he put the remote down and walked right over to his time out spot and plopped down. He sat on the 'time out' step, folded his hands in his lap, and waited patiently.
Drew and I almost burst a blood vessel trying not to laugh at him. It was SO funny!
Our toddler just PUT HIMSELF in time out!
Sometimes this boy just cracks me up. He really is a great kid - can't wait to see what shenanigans he gets into next!
February Top 12
21 hours ago
BLESS HIS HEART IS RIGHT! What a sweetheart!!!
ReplyDeleteI like that saying ... my Mom says it a lot. :)
Oh man, SO SWEET! It's great that he can say two words together (like night night dada!) And the fire hydrant, that just cracks me up!
ReplyDeleteI don't think time out would work for Lily yet. We just put her down and let her rant and rave until she's calmed down. I tried time out once and she just played in the chair I put her in :P haha
I LOVE that he put himself in time out. That is so adorable! And I definitely would've had to turn away to hide my laughter! I also love the fact that he said night night to the fire hydrant. This is such a precious age!
ReplyDeleteThat is too funny that he put himself in time out! LOL! They do the craziest things! We have that owl had in the post below....sadly I think it will be too small this year :(
ReplyDeleteThat is too funny that he put himself in timeout! When I ask H if she needs time out she starts laughing and the yells, "NO"! They are at the funniest stage!
ReplyDeleteI love that he put himself in time out! We always give Eli a warning as well, which leads to one of two things: instant good behavior or continued whininess (which results in the trip to time out). I wish Eli would sit there patiently and quietly... But not so much!