Tuesday, August 23, 2011

new duds

I've been a bit of a sewing machine recently.

Asher needed a new shirt so I whipped one up the other day!

I decided to put his name on the front...

and his monogram on the back!

It's simple, but I like it!

Then while I was at it, I just had to make something for a special girl friend of Asher's.  Remember Miss Olivia from our farm trip?  Well, she needs a cute shirt too.  :-)

I've been seeing these a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e turkey shirts on Etsy recently and have been dying to make one.  This was the perfect reason!  I found a super easy tutorial here and fired up my sewing machine last night.  I have to say - I LOVE the way it turned out!  Seriously, the adorableness is almost too much to take - ha!

You can bet I'll be making one for Asher...but with less pink.

So fun!


  1. so cute! love that turkey shirt! I am very impressed with your sewing talents. You'll have to teach me one day!

  2. Alright . . . I'm coming over so you can show me how to sew :) SO cute!

  3. How adorable! I'm so jealous of your sewing skills!

  4. VERY CUTE!! Time to start your own Etsy store!!!

  5. So awesome!! So, did you just sew on Asher's name onto a white shirt you bought, or did you actually make the shirt? If that's the case, I'm super impressed! Well, I'm impressed anyway because I can't even sew a button, but if you made those shirts, that is so amazing! You should open your own Etsy store and I would like to formally request a turkey shirt of my own (well for Jack!). :)

  6. We love it, too! You are fabulous!! Olivia keeps asking if she can wear it. And she certainly hasn't forgotten who made it for her-- "Miss Em-uh-wee! Miss Em-uh-wee!"


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