Monday, January 3, 2011

reading through the year

I don't like to make New Year's resolutions.  They always seem forced and contrived.  There's so much pressure to make big changes with the turning of the calendar - who needs that??

Despite this feeling, I decided to embrace a challenge this year!  My college roommate, Lara, emailed me on New Years Day with an invitation to join her in reading through the Bible in a year.  I'm ashamed to say that I've never actually read through the entire Bible before.  Yikes!  Now is the time!

If anyone else would like to join us that would be great! 

It's really easy to know what to read each day using this website.  I plan to get email updates each day with the verses that will keep me on track.  Let's be realistic here - there's no way I'm going to read every single day - but my goal is to read as many days as I can and definitely to be caught up for the week by Saturday night.

Drew, Asher, and I welcomed the New Year with some major illness brewing, so I've been kind of out of it.  I just wanted to post about this before it got too far into January!  Hopefully we'll all be feeling better soon and I'll be back in full blogging mode. 

Happy 2011 friends!


  1. I LOVE this! I've been wanting to do the very same thing...maybe I'll tag along :0) I'm worse at reading than you, so maybe you can hold me accountable!

  2. What a great goal! I need to do this also! I'm (embarrassingly) more of the read The Children's Bible summaries...hahaha.

  3. I want to do this also. I can't tell you how many times I have started out with every intention to read from cover to cover. It never happens!!Going to check out that website right now.

  4. Wonderful idea! I just read the passages for Jan. 1 while at a conference! I hope to keep up this year.


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