Wednesday, January 5, 2011

wordless wednesday - whooo's adorable?

Asher loves to go to the grocery store.  Especially when the nice lady at the deli counter gives him a free slice of cheese for having such a cute hat on.

And I have to admit - it is darn cute!


  1. I love that baby hat! Where did you get it?

  2. Adorable! I found a lady on etsy who knits some pretty cute owl hats...and
    I REALLY want to get one for Ethan.

  3. I love the face he's making in the first picture! What a terrific, unique hat.

  4. To say that I love that hat would be an understatement!

  5. So cute!!! That hate is damn cute... but Asher makes it cuter :) and hey... who doesn't like a piece of free cheese???


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