Tuesday, January 25, 2011

catching up

Hello out there!  I'm still here. 

Drew, Asher and I had to take a sad {and impromptu} trip to New Jersey over the weekend and I'm just getting home.  We had to make the unexpected visit to attend the funeral of Drew's beloved Grandma.  She was such a wonderful, inspiring woman and will be greatly missed.

Now that we're getting back to regular around here I'm looking forward to catching up on all of your blogs and writing a few posts of my own.  Until then, Asher sends a smile and a hello!


  1. We have the same dinosaur... don't you love how the guy's voice says, "Roar!"??

  2. So sorry for your loss!

    Hello, Asher!

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I bet Asher was a little ray of sunshine for everyone though. You won't need to be catching up on my blog, as I have yet to find time to post this week:( Glad your back! I think Asher has grown in the last week. He looks like such a big boy now. Cutie pie!!!

  4. I'm so sorry about ya'lls Grandma :( Asher looks so cute and I love that shirt!

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about Drew's grandma.

    Hi Asher! You are adorable as always and getting so big!

  6. So sorry to hear for your family's loss.

    Asher is adorable as usual. :)

  7. So Sorry to hear of your loss. We have been dealing with almost the same exact thing. It's never easy. Praying for peace for your family.

    Oh and adorable photos of A, as always.


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